Career development opportunities

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is committed to helping staff develop in their current job and beyond. We provide an excellent range of development activities carefully selected to help staff at all levels develop new skills and successful working practices.

In-house training courses

We run high quality in-house training courses covering a wide variety of subjects. These are provided free for all staff, and combine practical sessions, tutorials, talks and on line learning. We also support staff who wish to attend training courses run by other organisations.


Develop leadership and management skills

We encourage staff who want to develop leadership and management skills. In addition to in-house courses, many staff are sponsored each year to attend university and college level programmes that lead to formal qualifications such as degrees, diplomas, certificates and national vocational qualifications.


Learning resource centres

We have several learning resource centres across the organisation, each providing a unique offering to staff who want to develop themselves or their practice:

  • Our clinical tutorial complex is an education and training facility which includes a lecture theatre and seminar room with teleconferencing facilities and an Eyesi simulator.
  • The joint library of ophthalmology, run in conjunction with the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, with which we are co-located, provides extensive access to journals and other helpful resources.
  • Moorfields Academy, established in 2010, brings together a variety of professional disciplines who share common interests at regular meetings to facilitate networking and team building between students, trainees, fellows, consultants, academic staff and non-medical experts.
  • Our practice development team offers practical training and assessment in support of nursing and allied health professional practice, including extended roles.
  • Our learning and development team holds a comprehensive and up-to-date database of information on internal and external training events, training materials and academic courses; its staff can also advise on informal development methods such as coaching, mentoring, work shadowing and independent learning.
  • We have a dedicated team of IT trainers who support staff with general IT skills as well as in depth training on clinical and non-clinical systems.



Every year, we attract and engage a large number of clinical fellows, who spend a year with us developing their experience on one of our medical sub-specialties before taking up a consultant level role, whether here or elsewhere in the world.

Moorfields is at the forefront of developments in eye treatment and research, and our staff regularly attend international conferences to share knowledge and new developments with colleagues. We support this important network by sponsoring staff to attend UK and overseas conferences, deliver presentations and present reports.