Primary care practitioners are welcome to visit our stand E33 where we will be happy to provide the full information about the expert eye treatment and care our world leading consultant and nursing teams can deliver to your patients.
Four young children have gained life-changing improvements in sight following treatment with a pioneering new genetic medicine through Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, with the support of MeiraGTx.
Consultant eyelid plastic and reconstructive surgeon
Specialist in in corneal conditions, external eye diseases and cataract surgery.
Specialist in medical retina conditions and cataract surgery
Specialist in cataract care, in particular, for patients with both cataracts and glaucoma.
Specialist in lid malpositions, periocular lesions and eyelid cancer in adults.
Specialist in treating medical retina conditions.
Specialist in cornea, cataract and refractive surgery.
Your questions answered.
Specialist in paediatric ophthalmology, ocular motility, and neuro-ophthalmology in children and young people.
Specialist in treating medical retina conditions.
Specialist in retinal conditions.
Clinical lead for the Rapid Access and Urgent Care Clinic.
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Training Director of Emergency Services.
Specialist in cataract surgery and complex glaucoma.
Specialist in cataract surgery and retinal problems.
Specialist in strabismus in adults and children and in children’s eye conditions.
Consultant ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon.
Specialist in uveitis, medical ophthalmology and cataract surgery in adults and children.
Specialist in treating inflammatory eye conditions.
Specialist in medical retina conditions.
Specialist Medical Retina Consultant
One of the leading cornea experts.
Specialist in vision correction, cornea and external diseases and emergency ophthalmology.
Specialist in cataract and refractive surgery.
One of the leading Consultant Retinal Surgeons.
Specialist in glaucoma and cataract treatment.
The founder and former Head of High Volume Cataract Surgery at Moorfields Eye Hospital.
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Fellowship Director in the London Ocular Oncology Service.
Specialist in glaucoma and cataract treatments.
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon in the Glaucoma services.
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Training Director and the Audit Lead for the Adnexal department.
Consultant neurologist and neuro-ophthalmologist
Specialist in general ophthalmology, cataract, and emergency eye care